Birds of Ladakh


the bird channel

Common name:

Eurasian Magpie

Ladakhi name:

Katang putit, kha srag, 

cha-thago, chatsaga

Scientific name:

Pica pica





fun facts:

Pica means Magpie in classic Latin. The Eurasian Magpie, also called the Black-billed Magpie, is a resident in Ladakh and can be found almost everywhere in the UT up to 4500 m.

The magpie’s brain-to-body mass ratio is smaller than only humans and they have shown the ability to make and use tools.

There remains a debate whether all are one species or not – with 9 sub-species currently recognised of Eurasian Magpie. Nests can be found at 4400 m elevation!

Bird Club Contributor:

Sonam Stanzin, Tangyar